- Titulní strana
- Aktuality
- 100% of license agreements for the period of 2021-2022 are signed
Official negotiations with EIR providers for 2021-2022 started last year with the invitation to tender and took place from October
to the end of December. Before the end of 2020, all twelve license agreements were signed, including the first transformative agreement with Taylor & Francis.
Agreements on securing and access (ASA) are in preparation and will be sent to authorized persons in the coming days. All EIRs have been accessible since 1 January 2021 and individual license agreements can be found on our website.
Once signes, the following new institutions will be joining the CzechElib consortium:
• Center for Cardiovascular and Transplant Surgery Brno
• The National Pedagogical Museum and Library of JA Comenius
• Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague
• Museum of West Bohemia in Pilsen