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- Školení EIZ
Na této stránce naleznete seznam školení, konferencí a webinářů a to včetně archivu akcí. Pokud je anotace v anglickém jazyce, akce bude v tomto jazyce realizována.
Speciální akce od poskytovatelů EIZ:
V současné době nejsou žádné speciální akce.
We are glad to invite you to join our English-language sessions (‘QuickTalks’), in which EBSCO experts will discuss a specific topic with you and answer various questions from you. The interactive open sessions are free of charge and will take place via Microsoft Teams for 30 minutes (20 min presentation, 10 min questions). There is no need to register for the sessions, just join the relevant session via any of the following links.
27. 2. 2025 11:00-11:30 AM CET
AI in the Library World.
Meeting ID: 255 492 582 261 Passcode: 9tH7kZ2E
13. 3 .2025 11:00-11:30 AM CET
AI Paired with Linked Data at EBSCO.
Meeting ID: 294 093 593 164 Passcode: Z84sM65c
20. 3. 2025 11:00-11:30 AM CET
Authentication and Authorisation.
Meeting ID: 225 494 575 806 Passcode: ST6yN2DE
27. 3. 2025 11:00-11:30 AM CET
Finding Full Text and Linking to it.
Meeting ID: 247 471 380 489 Passcode: 4vX94YB6
Zjistěte více o možnostech vyhledávání v publikované literatuře pomocí platformy SciFinder od společnosti CAS. Po úspěšném absolvování kurzu získáte certifikát SciFinder.Platforma CAS SciFinder je celosvětově nejaktuálnější a nejspolehlivější zdroj informací o chemii a přírodních vědách. Na platformě najdete informace o chemických látkách a jejich vlastnostech, experimentální spektra, bioaktivitu látek, regulační informace, reakce, sbírku analytických metod a také užitečné funkce, jako je retrosyntetická analýza, vyhledávání biosekvencí, vizualizace a další. Zvolte jeden nebo více webinářů, kterých se chcete zúčastnit..
Get an in-depth look at the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and see helpful features to improve research productivity and workflow. This overview will cover the IEEE Xplore content and interface including how to: * Begin the research process by identifying peer-reviewed information you can trust from verified experts * Construct successful and personalized search strategies for precise results in particular fields of interest * Leverage easy to use tools to find influential and highly-cited papers * Discover popular content and trending technologies * Stay current by setting-up saved search alerts on emerging technologies * Learn how to easily download equations and graphics from articles * Track new research from your favorite leading authors * See the latest features such as the new Image Search and tools to organize your work such as My Research Projects * Live Q&A: Presenters will answer questions live from attendees! Register.
Save time and become more efficient with our focused searching session where you’ll discover how to get the most from your searches on Wiley Online Library.
11 March 2025 | 11AM EST / 3PM BST / 4PM CET / Register
Join us for this webinar to:
- Explore the transformative impact of generative AI on information discovery.
- Understand how generative AI algorithms work and their applications.
- Discover how generative AI is revolutionizing the process of finding and interacting with information.
- Learn about the implications of generative AI on information discovery and its potential to reshape information in the
digital age.
27 March 2025 | 10AM EST / 2PM BST / 3PM CET/ Register
Think publishing in Open Access is a drain on your resources with no derived benefit? Think again! Open Access allows your research to reach a broader audience than just those with access to an institutional library. Not only does Open Access publishing reach more of your core audience, it also reaches educators, practitioners, policymakers, and the media. The more people reading your work, the more impact you have on the progress of science and the betterment of humankind.
10 April 2025 | 10AM EST / 3PM BST / 4PM CEST / Register
A literature review is a survey of scholarly publications on a chosen topic. It provides an overview of current knowledge synthesizing the available up-to-date information. This session discusses the steps involved in accomplishing this sometimes daunting but knowledge-intensive task.
24 April 2025 | 10AM EST / 3PM BST / 4PM CEST / Register