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Na této stránce naleznete seznam školení, konferencí a webinářů a to včetně archivu akcí. Pokud je anotace v anglickém jazyce, akce bude v tomto jazyce realizována.
Speciální akce od poskytovatelů EIZ:
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Při snaze o dosažení excelence ve výzkumu mají metriky, na které se spoléháme, pouze takový význam, jaký mají data, která za nimi stojí. Tento webinář se bude věnovat zásadnímu, avšak často opomíjenému aspektu bibliometrické analýzy – integritě a rozsahu použitých dat. V dnešní době se univerzity a výzkumné instituce stále více spoléhají na bibliometrické ukazatele pro hodnocení výzkumné činnosti, rozhodování o financování a umístění v globálních žebříčcích. Pokud však dojde k nesprávnému definování analytických perimetrů nebo chybnému zpracování dat, může to vést ke zkresleným závěrům a chybným strategickým rozhodnutím. Účastníci tohoto webináře získají hlubší porozumění tomu, jak přesná data a správně strukturovaný rozsah mohou přinést relevantnější a použitelnější informace o výkonnosti výzkumu, vzorcích spolupráce a celkovém dopadu. Tyto informace jsou zásadní pro strategické rozhodování a řízení výzkumných aktivit. Registrace.
Have you ever wondered why some of your colleagues get their papers published so quickly while others must go through round after round of revisions? Have you ever asked if there is a method (or set of tasks) that increase the likelihood that your work will be accepted? If so, this is the presentation for you.Register.
Want to learn everything you need to know about maximizing the impact of your work? Register.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 | 4:00 PM ET Online - Safety and quality in clinical care are key responsibilities for all healthcare professionals, including new nurses entering the field. Yet, early-career nurses often lack the experience and resources to make informed clinical decisions confidently. Join top leaders for Empowering new nurses: Evidence-based clinical decision support, as they address the need for practical, evidence-based clinical decision support for new nurses. Register.
Fri, Nov 8, 2024 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CET - Join us for an exclusive workshop designed to supercharge your research efficiency with Statista! Whether you're a student, professor, librarian, or researcher, this session will help you unlock the full potential of our platform. Register.
A literature review is a survey of scholarly publications on a chosen topic, offering an overview of current knowledge by synthesizing available up-to-date information. This session delves into the steps involved in accomplishing this sometimes daunting but knowledge-intensive task. Register.
With the number of challenges facing the global community, it is imperative that a greater emphasis on including a wider range of diverse viewpoints and backgrounds be made to achieve a better future. As publishers, editors and authors, we are all stakeholders in improving our approaches to achieve these goals in an equitable fashion. In recent years, a great amount of effort has been made towards a more inclusive publishing landscape, including initiatives that span across multiple publishers and the development of new and improved policies from a DEI focal point. Likewise, new guidelines for authors have been developed that not only improve the manuscript preparation process but also create methods for more readily available and inclusive work. In this talk, recent advances in DEI by the publishing industry are discussed, and best practices for the preparation of an inclusive manuscript are highlighted. Register.
Save time and become more efficient with our focused searching session where you’ll discover how to get the most from your searches on Wiley Online Library. Register.
Last year we launched a new model to give institutions access to the entirety of our journal archive and primary sources. You no longer have to pick and choose which journal collections to subscribe to, because via this model, our entire journal library + primary collections are available as one single collection. If you’re worried about cost, we have priced the content in such a way that you see modest increases year over year, while you have access to the full collection year-round. Many members of your consortium have taken advantage of this offer, and if you would like to know more, please reach out to us and we will walk you through the details. Webinar Schedule: We will hold 3 informational sessions providing an overview of the Full Archive Model: Sep 25, 2024 9:00 PM Eastern Time Registration link
Last year we launched a new model to give institutions access to the entirety of our journal archive and primary sources. You no longer have to pick and choose which journal collections to subscribe to, because via this model, our entire journal library + primary collections are available as one single collection. If you’re worried about cost, we have priced the content in such a way that you see modest increases year over year, while you have access to the full collection year-round. Many members of your consortium have taken advantage of this offer, and if you would like to know more, please reach out to us and we will walk you through the details. Webinar Schedule: We will hold 3 informational sessions providing an overview of the Full Archive Model: Sep 25, 2024 7:00 AM Eastern Time Registration link