Školení EIZ

Na této stránce naleznete seznam školení, konferencí a webinářů a to včetně archivu akcí. Pokud je anotace v anglickém jazyce, akce bude v tomto jazyce realizována.

Speciální akce od poskytovatelů EIZ:

V současné době nejsou žádné speciální akce.

  • Author Workshop (Author Workflow with Publication Tips)

    14. 3. 2024

    We are excited to present this webinar on how to publish in Wiley's Open Access journals. This webinar is available to all researchers from institutions participating in CzechELib's transformational agreement with Wiley. During the webinar, we will cover the following topics: • The benefits of open access publishing • Specifications of Wiley and CzechELib's transformational agreement and what they mean for authors • How to submit a manuscript to an open access journal and get the APC (Article Publication Charge) covered through the Czechelib's transformational agreement. We will also share tips for successful publishing, including: • Preparing your manuscript, selecting a journal, and submitting a paper • What the peer review and production processes entail • Publication ethics • Useful resources for maximizing the Article acceptance rate and publication success: o Wiley Author Services o Wiley Editing Services The webinar will end with a question-and-answer session where you can ask any questions you have. We look forward to having you join us. Registration here.

  • Elsevier Spring 2024 webinar schedule

    12. 3. 2024 - 18. 4. 2024

    We’re pleased to announce our schedule of webinars and “drop-in” sessions, each developed to share insights with researchers, research managers and librarians towards advancing their work. Registration here.

  • Author Workshop (Author Workflow with Publication Tips)

    29. 2. 2024

    We are excited to present this webinar on how to publish in Wiley's Open Access journals. This webinar is available to all researchers from institutions participating in CzechELib's transformational agreement with Wiley. During the webinar, we will cover the following topics: • The benefits of open access publishing • Specifications of Wiley and CzechELib's transformational agreement and what they mean for authors • How to submit a manuscript to an open access journal and get the APC (Article Publication Charge) covered through the Czechelib's transformational agreement. We will also share tips for successful publishing, including: • Preparing your manuscript, selecting a journal, and submitting a paper • What the peer review and production processes entail • Publication ethics • Useful resources for maximizing the Article acceptance rate and publication success: o Wiley Author Services o Wiley Editing Services The webinar will end with a question-and-answer session where you can ask any questions you have. We look forward to having you join us. Registration here.

  • Série webinářů: Intenzivní kurz SciFinder - Naučte se používat přední světové řešení pro vědecké vyhledávání

    19. 2. 2024 - 1. 3. 2024

    Registrační link (můžete zvolit všechny, nebo jen vybrané webináře), pro registraci vašich uživatelů můžete též využít poster. Po úspěšném absolvování kurzu obdržíte certifikát SciFinder.

  • Springer Nature Open Access Online Summit

    8. 2. 2024

    Dne 8. února 2024 proběhne Springer Nature Open Access Online Summit pro členy konsorcia Springer Compact, na kterou se již nyní můžete registrovat. Úvodní část Summitu, kterou doporučujeme zejména OA administrátorům a knihovníkům, bude zaměřena na první rok transformační smlouvy. Následně se budeme věnovat informacím pro autory.

  • Author Workshop (Author Workflow with Publication Tips)

    6. 2. 2024

    We are excited to present this webinar on how to publish in Wiley's Open Access journals. This webinar is available to all researchers from institutions participating in CzechELib's transformational agreement with Wiley. During the webinar, we will cover the following topics: • The benefits of open access publishing • Specifications of Wiley and CzechELib's transformational agreement and what they mean for authors • How to submit a manuscript to an open access journal and get the APC (Article Publication Charge) covered through the Czechelib's transformational agreement. We will also share tips for successful publishing, including: • Preparing your manuscript, selecting a journal, and submitting a paper • What the peer review and production processes entail • Publication ethics • Useful resources for maximizing the Article acceptance rate and publication success: o Wiley Author Services o Wiley Editing Services The webinar will end with a question-and-answer session where you can ask any questions you have. We look forward to having you join us. Registration here.

  • Oable Administrator Training (Refresher)

    24. 1. 2024

    You are invited to a virtual training session in which we will cover the Oable dashboard. There will be time for questions and answers during the session. Registration here.

  • Springer Nature eBook summit - Eastern Europe and Central Asia

    8. 11. 2023

    Vydavatel Springer Nature plánuje on-line eBook summit 8. 11. 2023 od 12:00.

  • ACS Read and Publish for Authors: CzechELib

    11. 10. 2023

    Americká chemická společnost (ACS) nabízí webinář pro autory - Open access publikování v rámci licence ACS Read and Publish. Termín školení on-line je 11. 10. 2023 od 10:00.

  • Elsevier - série webinářů

    19. 9. 2023 - 12. 12. 2023

    Vydavatel Elsevier plánuje sérii webinářů k EIZ SciVal, Scopus, Reaxys. Více zde.