Školení EIZ

Na této stránce naleznete seznam školení, konferencí a webinářů a to včetně archivu akcí. Pokud je anotace v anglickém jazyce, akce bude v tomto jazyce realizována.

Speciální akce od poskytovatelů EIZ:

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  • Predatory journals and how to avoid them

    28. 3. 2023

    Predatory journals have become a significant concern in science communication. With the rise of predatory practices, their diversification and increasing sophistication, it is becoming more difficult to identify predatory journals. Learn what predatory journals are, how to avoid them, and how to identify genuine, reputable, good quality scientific journals. Find out how you can use the Scopus database to search for prestigious journals. Read more.

  • Ovid tools designed to drive your search Experience

    23. 3. 2023

    Webinář povede Maurice Clementi, Customer Success Manager (Wolters Kluwer). Nabídne užitečné informace k Ovid Tools, mezi které patří např. eTOC Alerts, Expert Searches, Jumpstarts, Search Builder Tool, Top Articles, Ovid Metrics, atd. Více zde.

  • IEEE Xplore Webinar: Search Strategies to Personalize and Accelerate Your Research Experience

    22. 3. 2023

    Get an in-depth look at the IEEE Xplore digital library and see helpful features to improve research productivity and workflow. Read more.

  • Importance of research data management

    14. 3. 2023

    Research data management plays a crucial role in research activity today, at different levels. It can help to secure researchers data and results, to prove research discoveries, to track and meet requirements and expectations. Adequate management and accurate data can significally safe time and efforts. At our webinar we'll talk about Elsevier effective features and solutions that can help you in research data management. Read more.

  • Jak důležité jsou primární elektronické zdroje pro moderní výzkum

    9. 3. 2023

    You are invited to a virtual training session in which we will cover the author workflow and publishing tips for researchers. There will be time for questions and answers during the session. Více zde.

  • HBZ Winter School

    6. 2. 2023 - 9. 2. 2023

    Join us for 2023 HBZ Winter School and learn how to improve your day-to-day research efforts using CAS SciFindern. This year’s school consists of four sessions during the week of February 6, 2023. Read more.

  • Taylor and Francis OA Dashboard Training

    10. 1. 2023

    The webinar will cover: The read & publish agreement with CzechElib / A step-by-step guide for librarians/OA administrators on how to approve articles. Read more.

  • WOAAD Training and Author Workflow - CzechELib Training

    6. 1. 2023

    You are invited to a virtual training session in which we will cover WOAAD, the administrator dashboard to manage your Wiley Open Access Account requests. We will go over its benefits and the next steps in the migration. Read more.

  • Springer Nature Webinar for Approval Managers

    14. 12. 2022

    In this webinar, we would like to bring you up to date and give you a comprehensive insight into the workflow. Read more.

  • Elsevier "on-air" - Galina & Bartek answering your questions!

    13. 12. 2022

    This interactive webinar is your chance to ask your questions of the CEE Region's Elsevier experts! Read more.