23. 3. 2022 - Library newsletters and email marketing

Time: 23. 3. 2022, 15:00 - 16:00

Presented By: Ned Potter, an Academic Liaison Librarian, and a Trainer for various organisations

About this webinar
In this session we'll discuss how to craft regular newsletters and other kinds of email marketing, including types of content, structure, and writing style, plus logistics such as when and how often to send them out. We'll also cover analysing success, and everything we cover is designed to be 'platform agnostic' - the guidance will apply whether you're sending basic emails or using services like Mail Chimp.

About speaker

Ned Potter is an Academic Liaison Librarian, and a Trainer for various organisations including the NHS, the Bodleian and the British Library. His book The Library Marketing Toolkit was published by Facet in 2012. Ned can be found online at ned-potter.com and on Twitter at @ned_potter.

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