28. 4. 2022 - Guide through the Statista.com platform

Thursday, 28. April 2022 13:30-15:00 CET

Objective: This webinar will be your A-Z guide through the Statista.com platform.


Part 1) 45 mins Statista Main platform & eCommerceDB Add On + 5 min break

Part 2) 45 min add on products (Global Consumer Survey & Company DB)


  • Main platform 3 data types: Statistics, Reports & Outlooks.
  • Tips & tricks for research optimization.
  • Citation.
  • Add on products (Global Consumer Survey, eCommerceDB & Company DB).

Our special guests Jan Gewiese & Joline Franken, specialists on the CDB & GCS are excited to present to you!

Join the meeting