Školení EIZ

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Speciální akce od poskytovatelů EIZ:

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  • Full Access Journal Archive!

    25. 9. 2024

    Last year we launched a new model to give institutions access to the entirety of our journal archive and primary sources. You no longer have to pick and choose which journal collections to subscribe to, because via this model, our entire journal library + primary collections are available as one single collection. If you’re worried about cost, we have priced the content in such a way that you see modest increases year over year, while you have access to the full collection year-round. Many members of your consortium have taken advantage of this offer, and if you would like to know more, please reach out to us and we will walk you through the details. Webinar Schedule: We will hold 3 informational sessions providing an overview of the Full Archive Model: Sep 25, 2024 9:00 PM Eastern Time Registration link

  • Full Access Journal Archive!

    25. 9. 2024

    Last year we launched a new model to give institutions access to the entirety of our journal archive and primary sources. You no longer have to pick and choose which journal collections to subscribe to, because via this model, our entire journal library + primary collections are available as one single collection. If you’re worried about cost, we have priced the content in such a way that you see modest increases year over year, while you have access to the full collection year-round. Many members of your consortium have taken advantage of this offer, and if you would like to know more, please reach out to us and we will walk you through the details. Webinar Schedule: We will hold 3 informational sessions providing an overview of the Full Archive Model: Sep 25, 2024 7:00 AM Eastern Time Registration link