Resources not included here do not contain any concrete specifications in the license agreement possibilities to publish Open Access for authors from member institutions.
The general Open Access conditions are usually available on the publisher’s website.
AAAS - Science
- Consortium members have a 15% discount on APC fees in the “Science Advances” journal
- The discount is valid for a paying author, usually a corresponding author from a member institution
- The discount is valid for all types of articles with a CC-BY or CC-BY-NC license
ACS - American Chemical Society
- Consortium members have a USD 250 discount (consortium discount)
- If the author is also a ACS member, they receive a discount of 500 + 250 = USD 750 - see Combo - Membership and Affiliation
- It is also possible to purchase APC packages (min. 10+, valid for 3 years). With this variant,
a discount of up to 25% is possible
- Link to the price list
Cambridge University Press
Free publishing in Open Access (OA) for corresponding authors from institutions
that are members of the CzechELib consortium
- Eligible journals: fully OA titles and hybrid titles v within subscription collections of individual institutions (title list in collections; their status can be checked at the publisher’s website)
- Publication type: research article, review, brief report, case report, and rapid communications article
- Process: the publisher’s portal (RightsLink) recognizes an author from an eligible institution based on the institution’s email domain, institution affiliation, or ORCID identification,
and automatically waives the publication fee
Emerald Publishing
Free Open Access publishing for corresponding authors from institutions that are members
of the CzechELib consortium
- Eligible journals: fully OA titles and hybrid titles in the subscription collections of individual institutions (list of titles in the collection)
- Publication type: research article, review, brief report, case report or rapid communications article
- Process: the publisher’s portal recognizes an author from an eligible institution and automatically waives the publication fee based on the author´s institution’s email domain
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- 10 APC vouchers for consortium members in 2019 (transfer from 2018 plus conversion of the negotiated amount into vouchers). Another 4 vouchers every year (from 2020) or the whole consortium (i.e., all the institutions) on a “first come, first served” basis. The redemption of a voucher on behalf of an institution must be confirmed to CzechELib by an authorized person from such a member institution
- The vouchers from 2018 to 2021 have all been redeemed. Requests are processed via RightsLink. The institution must be identified via a RingGOLD ID (the authorized persons have it available or can request it at, after which the CzechELib consortium can be selected as the financing method
- After the APC vouchers have been redeemed, the IEEE offers a 5% discount which, however, acan only be applied if the drawing is done through the consortium (CzechELib) account. There is currently no way to secure this financially, and this discount is therefore not applicable
Author manual
Redeemed vouchers by institution:
Brno University of Technology
Czech Technical University in Prague
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Consortium members have tokens available depending on the collection to which
the institution subscribes:
National Library of Technology
University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Mendel University in Brno
University of West Bohemia
Requests are processed via RightsLink. We will transfer NLT tokens to the remaining institutions at the end of the year, as otherwise they would not be redeemed (using the “first come, first serve” system).
KARGER Publishers
- For both members of the consortium - CU and MU - virtually unlimited publishing in Open Access - in view of their typical annual output
- 14 articles for the two institutions together per year, with the possibility of doubling this without changing the price (more details in the license agreement)
- It is possible to publish hybrid and pure OA titles
The publisher should identify the corresponding author by: email domain, ORCID, or affiliation, and clearly offer them the Open Access option (for a more detailed description of the workflow, see the license agreement)
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
- 5 APC vouchers for Charles University for the whole period
- It is possible to publish in hybrid and pure OA titles
- The author can request application of the “APC waiver code” (waiver of the fee), which
is approved by the Central Library of Charles University (CzechELib does not yet have any information from practical experience)
- Only the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license

SCOAP3 - Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics
- Elsevier:
- Nuclear Physics B Reductions
- Physics Letters B Reductions
- IOP Publishing:
- Chinese Physics C Reductions
- Springer:
- European Physical Journal C Reductions
- Journal of High Energy Physics Reductions
- American Physical Society:
- Physical Review C
- Physical Review D
- Physical Review Letters
APS conditions - only articles from the ‘hep’ category, “closed” articles, meaning those outside this category are not included in the calculation of the institution's share.APS conditions - only articles from the ‘hep’ category, You can find more information about the SCOAP3 project on the NTK website.
- A 20% discount on Open Access (OA) publishing for corresponding authors from institutions that are members of the CzechELib consortium (HSS, STM, Psychology Collection)
- Eligible journals: fully OA titles (Gold OA journals). A list of eligible journals can be found on the publisher’s website
- Process: Open Access Portal recognizes an author from an authorized institution and applies the discount automatically based on confirmed Ringgold IDs and the email domain of the institution
Royal Society of Chemistry
15% discount on Open Access (OA) publishing for corresponding authors from institutions that are members of the CzechELib consortium
- Eligible journals: hybrid titles in the RSC Gold Collection subscription collection (list of collection titles; this does not apply for fully OA titles or Chemistry Education Research and Practice)
- Process: the online license system recognizes an author from an eligible institution and automatically applies the discount based on the institution’s email domain
- Other publisher offers:
- RSC Advances, APC 750 GBP
- Chemical Science (gold OA since 2015), no APC fees
- Nanoscale Advances, no APC fees until mid-2021
- RSC Chemical Biology (04/2020), no APC fees until mid-2022
- Materials Advances (from 04/2020), no APC fees until mid-2022
- new: Environmental Science: Atmospheres – the first issue will be published in January 2021, no APC fees until mid-2023
Taylor & Francis
- Free publication of a limited number of articles (using tokens) Open Access
for corresponding authors from institutions that are members of the CzechELib consortium
- Eligible journals: hybrid Open Select Journal, titles, the list can be found in Annex G
- Publication type: article, review, research article, review article, report, short communication, case report, note, original article, guest editorial
- Process: when an article is submitted, the eligibility of the author is determined based on affiliation to an institution, email domain, or Ringgold ID or ORCID identifiers. The author receives a link to the electronic copyright system and after signing the Creative Commons License (example in the agreement) the article metadata are uploaded to the Research Dashboard portal, where the institution/CzechELib confirms the author’s eligibility to use the token