Free publication of a limited number of Open Access articles (tokens) in hybridtitles for corresponding authors from institutions that are members of the CzechELib consortium:
Eligible Institutions:
Eligible types: research papers, review
Contract duration: 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2025
How does an author publish an Open Access article?
Touch free workflow
The author is not an active participant in the authorisation process. The institution authorized a publication for eligible articles.
Step 1:
When submitting their article, the author agrees by agreeing to the Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) that their article will be published OA under a CC-BY licence if funding via an institutional agreement is available and OA publication is possible without additional costs. Agreement to the CTA may happen at different stages of the submission process depending on whether the journal is supported by a submission system, or not.
Step 2:
In the next steps of the process, the RightsLink system identifies the article as one that is eligible for funding within the R&P agreement.
Step 3:
The institution is informed about the article (by NTK, which is the OA admin for the De Gruyter publisher)
Step 4:
The institution can elect to accept or decline to fund the APC within their agreement with De Gruyter.
Step 5:
a) If the article is authorized, the author receives a notification that their article will be published OA.
b) If the article is not supported, They are informed of the option to publish OA by paying the relevant costs. If the author does not want their article to be published open access, they may opt out at this point by sending an email to