
27. 6. 2018

Representatives of CzechELib member institutions have met in NTK

On Monday 25th of June, representatives of CzechELib member institutions met with representatives of the project management. Balling’s hall in NTK was crowded with more than one hundred people in authority, who are the first contact within the institutions in the realization of the individual steps of the project. Read more.

22. 5. 2018

17th meeting of the Steering Committee – May 2018

Jiří Burgstaller informed members of the Steering Committee on the state of public tenders. He stated that the deadline for signing Agreements on Provision and Availability of EIRs for member institutions was set to 4 June. Read more.

9. 5. 2018

Development of the project approved by the Monitoring Committee

Members of the Monitoring Committee of the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education have heard the report on progress of the CzechELib project presented by Jiří Burgstaller, the Chief Project Manager. Read more.