
8. 10. 2020

Pilot project SCOAP3 e-books

The aim of the pilot project of the SCOAP3 for Books initiative is to make access to selected books and monographs, especially university level particle physics textbooks and textbooks from associated fields, easier through their conversion to open access. Read more.

30. 9. 2020

CRDI suggested Martin Svoboda for the position of main negotiator in case of negotiating the terms and conditions of transformational contracts

During the session on September 25th 2020, Research, Development and Innovation Council (RDIC) has approved the mandate for the main negotiator for negotiating optimal financial and other contractual terms of transformational contracts. Read more.

30. 9. 2020

Remote access

Major part of EIRs allows not only for access from a given institution, but also remote access. We have prepared a summary of platforms with detailed information about the possibilities of this connection. Read more.