
27. 11. 2018

All License Agreements for the period 2018 – 2022 signed

National Library of Technology managed to successfully finish all the negotiations of license conditions concerning EIRs for the period 2018 – 2022. Read more.

27. 11. 2018

Workshop on Tools for Bibliometric Analysis InCites and SciVal

CzechELib under the auspices of the Council of Higher Education Institutions and the Czech Rectors Conference organized a workshop on possibilities of use of top analytical tools for evaluation of publication activities InCities and SciVaI. Read more.

26. 11. 2018

Taylor & Francis Publishing has offered free 100 e-book titles to the Consortium

Representatives of Taylor & Francis Publishing have apologized for the hold-up with the signing of the license contract and for confusion during negotiations, and as a goodwill gesture they have offered 100 e-book titles for Taylor & Francis consortium under CzechELib for free. Read more.